Quotes From "Whispers Under Ground" By Ben Aaronovitch

I was tempted to tell her it was because we...
I was tempted to tell her it was because we were British and actually had a sense of humour, but I try not to be cruel to foreigners, especially when they're that strung out. Ben Aaronovitch
We stopped and listened. Just on the cusp of hearing I detected a rhythmic pounding, more a vibration in the concrete than a sound.' Drums, ' I said and then because I couldn't resist it. 'Drums in the deep.'' Drum and Bass in the deep, ' said Kumar. Ben Aaronovitch
This is why magic is worse even than quantum physics. Because, while both spit in the eye of common sense, I've never yet had a Higgs bosun turn up and try to have a conversation with me. Ben Aaronovitch
The British have always been madly overambitious, and from one angle it can seem like bravery, but from another it looks suspiciously like a lack of foresight. Ben Aaronovitch
Holy paranormal activity, Nightingale - to the Jag mobile. Ben Aaronovitch
My mum translated this in her head to "witchfinder, " which was good because like most West Africans, she considered witchfinding a more respectable profession than policeman. Ben Aaronovitch
You know there's always things in life that you have to do despite the fact that you know for certain the outcome is going to be messy, painful, humiliating, or all three. Ben Aaronovitch
Despite my mum being from a small village in the middle of a forest, I'm not a country person. I don't like my bacon sandwich to be curiously snuffling at my fingers. But sometimes being police means holding your breath and fondling a pig. Ben Aaronovitch